The tax levy proposition passed 93 to 7.

Pamela Rice was re-elected as trustee.

Town of Mamakating residents who are registered voters living within the Pine Bush, Monticello or Minisink Valley school districts cast ballots on one proposition and elected one member of the Board of Trustees for a four year term of office.



The trustees of the Mamakating Library were asked to authorize an increase
the tax levy in the amount of $23,000 in 2024.


Voters were be asked to elect one member of the Board of Trustees for a four year term of office; petition submitted by incumbent Pamela Rice.


How will this affect my taxes?

If you are a homeowner with an assessed home value of $100,000, your annual library tax would increase by approximately $3.94 per year.  That is 18% of the average cost of one hardcover book!

What are the library’s sources of revenue?

In 2022, 95% of the library’s funding came from local tax support. The rest of the 2022 revenue was from a combination of fines, printing and faxing fees, state funding, grants, and donations.

Click here to see the Mamakating Library annual report to the community and to learn more about the library’s services to the community in 2022-23.