Tuesday, January 21st
1:00 p.m.
Anti-Inflammatory Kitchen is our theme for the month of January.
Chronic inflammation can lead to ailments such as heart disease, type 1 diabetes, IBS and overall sub-optimal health. An anti-inflammatory diet includes foods that are high in antioxidants and other nutrients that can help reduce inflammation. Some examples include fatty fish, nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables, tea and coffee, dark chocolate, ginger and pasture-raised meat. Here is to using food as your path to living a vibrant, joyful, and long life.
For those who are unfamiliar with the Foodies–we are a social group that meets once a month to enjoy a themed potluck meal. Afternoon Tea dish & a copy of the recipe (we can make copies if needed).
Thanks to all of you, our Fearless Foodies meet up is a can’t miss monthly event!
We welcome all local foodies to join us!
We are also working on compiling these recipes into a website that you can all access
after the program to make the meals again!
Please also bring a copy of the recipe (so we can make copies at the library).
Registration is required. Click here to register or call 845-888-8004